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Monday, 23 September 2019

September 23, 2019

Kotlin Introduction in हिंदी



Java एक perfect language नहीं है। इसे बहुत पहले develop किया गया था। तब से लेकर अब तक कई नयी technologies market में आ चुकी है और कई technologies बदल चुकी है।
उदाहरण के लिए कई ऐसे features है जो C# language में available है और java में नहीं है। लेकिन java की stability के कारण java अभी भी programmers की पसंद बनी हुई है। Kotlin इन समस्यों को दूर करके java को और भी मजबूत और वर्तमान परिपेक्ष्य में उपयोगी बनाती है।
इसके अलावा java में कुछ ऐसे features की कमी भी है जो android development के लिए जरुरी है। इसलिए यदि android development के लिए सिर्फ java का ही प्रयोग किया जाये तो इससे यह programmers को limited बनाती है।
यही कारण है की Google द्वारा kotlin का support provide किया गया है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य ऐसे features जो java में नहीं है उन्हें ऐसी language द्वारा implement किया जाये जो java के साथ support या extension के रूप में कार्य कर सकती है।
हालाँकि Kotlin एक independent language है और इसमें potential भी है लेकिन जैसा की मैने पहले कहा इसे मुख्यतः JVM (Java Virtual Machine) पर run होने के लिए ही design किया गया है, ताकि java के साथ इसे use किया जा सके।
Kotlin के द्वारा वह सब किया जा सकता है जो java के द्वारा आप अब तक करते आये है। इसके अलावा कुछ नए features भी kotlin में है जो इसे unique और कई सन्दर्भों में useful बनाते है।
Java से हटकर kotlin object oriented और functional दोनों प्रकार से कार्य करती है। इससे Kotlin का दायरा बढ़ जाता है और इससे अलग अलग types के projects के लिए Kotlin को उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
Kotlin एक statically typed programming language है जो Java Virtual Machine (JVM) पर run होती है। इसे JavaScript source code के रूप में भी compile किया जा सकता है।
इसके अलावा Kotlin को android applications create करने के लिए भी use किया जाता है। Kotlin से android applications create करना बहुत fast और आसान हो जाता है।
Kotlin को व्यापक रूप से स्वीकारे जाने का कारण यह है की Kotlin java के साथ compatible है। इसके साथ काम करने के लिए आपको कुछ ज्यादा नया करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
JVM पर run किये जाने पर Kotlin java की ही तरह byte code generate करती है। आप Kotlin और Java को एक ही project में use कर सकते है। यदि कोई ऐसा code है जो Kotlin में ज्यादा बेहतर तरीके से काम करेगा तो आप उसे Kotlin में implement कर सकते है।

History of Kotlin

Kotlin को JetBrains company द्वारा 2010 में create किया गया था। इसकी first public release 2011 में हुई थी। JetBrains द्वारा ही IntelliJ IDEA (Java IDE) create किया गया था। इसी IDE के आधार पर Android Studio भी create किया गया है।
मई 2017 में Google ने Kotlin को अपना support provide किया। इसके साथ ही Google ने यह भी announce किया की Kotlin android applications create करने के लिए एक नयी programming language है। तब से Kotlin को दुनिया भर के developers द्वारा widely accept किया गया है।
Java और C++ के अलावा Kotlin भी अब android application development के लिए एक official language बन चुकी है। Google द्वारा इसे android development के लिए first class language कहा गया है।

Features of Kotlin

Kotlin एक नयी programming language है। इसमें कुछ ऐसे features है जो java में नहीं है और जो इसे java की जगह पर उपयोग किये जाने के सक्षम बनाते है। इन features के बारे में निचे बताया जा रहा है।

Java Interoperable

जैसा की पहले बताया गया है Kotlin और Java interoperable है। Kotlin JVM पर run की जाती है और Java की ही तरह byte code generate करती है। Java और kotlin को आप एक साथ use कर सकते है। जो कार्य आप Java द्वारा नहीं कर सकते उन्हें Kotlin द्वारा कर सकते है।

Compiles to JavaScript

Java byte code के अलावा Kotlin को JavaScript में भी compile किया जा सकता है। आप Kotlin code लिखकर उसे .js extension से save कर सकते है और अपने web page में use कर सकते है। ऐसा करने पर kotlin का code JavaScript की ही तरह execute हो जायेगा। Kotlin का यह feature JavaScript को और भी strong बनाता है और उसके कार्य क्षेत्र को बढ़ाता है।


यदि आप Java के स्थान पर Kotlin का प्रयोग करते है तो आपको कम code लिखना होगा। जो task आप Java में कई lines लिखकर perform करते है वे operations Kotlin द्वारा कुछ ही lines में perform किये जा सकते है। इससे programmers को कम code लिखना पड़ता है और उनका समय बचता है। इससे program की redability और clarity भी बढ़ जाती है।

Syntax similar to Java

कोई भी programmer जो Java के साथ कार्य कर चुका है वह आसानी से Kotlin को use कर सकता है। Kotlin और java का code लगभग similar है और ज्यादातर programmers के लिए यह familiar है। Java programmers इसे जल्दी से सिख सकते है और उपयोग कर सकते है।

Null Safety

Kotlin Null reference safety provide करती है। कई बार Java में Null reference वाले member को access करने का प्रयास किया जाता है तो exception generate हो जाती है और application काम करना बंद कर देती है। ऐसा कई बार बड़ी बड़ी organizations के softwares के साथ हो चूका है जिससे उनका काम रुक जाता है और उन्हें लाखों का नुक्सान हो जाता है।
Kotlin ऐसे code को compile ही नहीं करती है जो Null assign या return करता है। इससे application को Null safety मिलती है और future में generate होने वाली errors से आप बच जाते है।

Extension Functions

Extension functions को Kotlin के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण features में से एक माना जाता है। ये ऐसे functions होते है जिनके द्वारा आप किसी class की functionality या उसकी कार्य क्षमता को extend (बढ़ा) कर सकते है। इसके लिए यह आवश्यक नहीं है की आप उस class के code में परिवर्तन करें।
Extensions आपको ऐसी ability provide करते है की आपको class के code को छूने की भी आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। इन्हें create करना बहुत ही आसान है और ये वास्तव में बहुत ही उपयोगी भी है

                               कोटलिन में बने एप्प्स 

Many apps are already built with Kotlin—from the hottest startups to Fortune 500 companies.
  • Slack
  • Lyft
  • Robinhood
  • Evernote
  • Square
  • Deliveroo
  • Periscope
  • Udacity
  • Instacart
  • Basecamp
  • Pocket
  • Camera360
  • Trello
  • Foursquare
  • Stride
  • Amex
  • Expedia
  • Netflix
  • Kindle
  • Keepsafe
  • NYTimes
  • Nova Launcher
  • Wordpress
  • Simple
  • Airbnb
  • Flipboard
  • Foursquare Swarm
  • WeChat
  • GO-JEK
  • Confluence Cloud
  • Zola Sales
  • Juno
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
September 23, 2019

25 Amazingly Interesting YouTube Facts You Should Know

YouTube is the world’s favorite video platform, but there’s a lot you probably don’t know about the site. With that in mind, here are some amazingly interesting YouTube facts for you to check out.

1. YouTube Began on Valentine’s Day

The YouTube.com domain was bought on Valentine’s Day, 2005. The first video was posted by co-founder Jawed Karim a little over two months later.

2. PayPal Funded YouTube’s Launch

The three YouTube founders—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—all worked for PayPal. They used their money from eBay’s buyout of PayPal to fund the site’s early development.

2. Google Owns YouTube

Google acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion in October 2006. Which was a lot of money at the time, but looks like a pittance now considering the value of YouTube.

3. Ads Appeared in 2007

Google is the largest ad company in the world, and it didn’t take long for it to start monetizing YouTube. The service’s first ad was broadcast in August 2007, just nine months after Google bought the site.

4. There Are Localized Versions of YouTube

In June 2007, YouTube started rolling out localized versions of its site. People in different places would get different recommendations and features, as well as a localized top-level domain (for example, .com, .co.uk, .fr, etc.).
The first 10 countries to get their own YouTube site were the U.S., U.K., Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.

5. There Are 98 Versions of YouTube

youtube mexico home screen
Fast-forward to today, and the localization program has expanded dramatically. More than 98 countries now have their own version. The most recent went live in January 2019. They were Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Uruguay.

6. YouTube Has Been Censored Around the World

YouTube’s mission to get into households on every corner of the planet has not always been plain sailing. At various times, more than 25 countries have blocked access. All the usual suspects are there, as well as some surprises such as Germany, Finland, and Brazil.

7. YouTube Is Worth Billions

Today, YouTube’s annual revenue hovers around $15 billion. This has led Wall Street analysts to give the brand a value of more than $100 billion.

8. Americans Are Addicted to YouTube

In any given month, 80 percent of North American adults aged between 18 and 49 watch at least one video on YouTube.

9. YouTube Has More Reach Than Cable TV

In the United States, YouTube reaches more 18 to 49-year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network.

10. YouTube Is Growing in Popularity

YouTube’s assault on traditional forms of television shows no signs of abating. The most recent data available shows that the time spent on YouTube has been enjoying double-digit percentage growth. At the same time, time spent watching TV is seeing a double-digit decline.

11. Ronaldinho Was First to 1 Million Views

For many soccer fans, Brazilian forward Ronaldinho is one of the greatest players to have ever played the game.
Thanks to his worldwide popularity, his tricks video (produced by Nike) was the first video to hit one million views in October 2005.

12. Avril Lavigne Was First to 100 Million Views

Avril Lavigne’s chart-topping hit Girlfriend was the first song to break 100 million views after its release in 2008. There was some controversy around how the video amassed its views, with Lavigne’s PR company accused of gaming the system.

13. Gangnam Style Was First to 1 Billion Views

The first video to smash through the 1 billion barrier was PSY’s global megahit, Gangnam Style. The South Korean artist achieved superstardom on the back of its success, with the U.N. calling the singer a “force for world peace.” A bit of an exaggeration, we’re sure you’ll agree.

14. Spanish Language YouTube Is Growing

The first Spanish-language video on YouTube to amass more than 1 billion views was Enrique Iglesias’ reggaeton song, Bailando.

15. The Most Popular Non-Music Video Is in Russian

The only non-music video in the most watched YouTube videos of all time is a Russian-language version of an episode of kids’ TV show, Masha and The Bear. It has been watched 3.4 billion times and counting.
The Most Viewed YouTube Videos Ever The Most Viewed YouTube Videos EverThe most viewed YouTube video has over five billion views. Which of these most liked and watched YouTube videos have you seen?READ MORE

16. 17 Videos Have Held the Number One Crown

In total, 17 different videos have held the record for being the most watched video on YouTube. The current holder is Luis Fonsi’s hit, Despacito. It took the record off Wiz Khalifa’s See You Again when it hit 2.9 billion views.

17. Justin Bieber’s Baby Isn’t the Most Hated Video

For a long time, the most disliked video on YouTube was the Justin Bieber song, Baby. It had received more than 10 million “thumbs down” in the nine years it had been live.
However, in December 2018 the record was smashed in spectacular fashion by YouTube Rewind 2018. In its first month of availability, it racked up an incredible 15 million downvotes.

18. HD Videos Went Live in 2009

We couldn’t start watching YouTube in high definition until the feature’s global rollout in November 2009.

19. YouTube Boasts 57,000 Years of Video Footage

The average video length on YouTube is four minutes and 20 seconds, and there are approximately 7 billion videos on the website in total.
We did some math (!) and can confirm that it would take around 30 trillion minutes to watch them all. Or, to put it another way, 58,000 years.

20. People Have Short Attention Spans

It’s safe to assume that the majority of those 7 billion videos are not worth watching. And it turns out that we give short shrift to videos that don’t immediately grab our attention. More than 20 percent of videos are switched off within the first 10 seconds of playback.

21. We All Watch Too Much YouTube

One person probably couldn’t get through all 58,000 years of YouTube. However, collectively, we make a darned good effort. We watch four billion hours of video every month—that’s 456,621 years worth!

22. YouTube Search Is Bigger Than Bing

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. It processes more queries than Bing and Yahoo combined.
Of course, it means Google also owns the world’s two most popular search engines. We’re not sure that level of centralization is a good thing.

23. A Decade of New Video Is Uploaded Every Day

YouTube sees 72 hours of newly uploaded video every minute. Over a 24-hour period, that’s more than a decade of new footage.

24. Tony Blair Is a YouTube Pioneer

Today, YouTube is well established as an essential way for politicians to get their message out to the public. That wasn’t always the case. In 2007, then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair became the first world leader to launch his own YouTube channel.

25. YouTube Isn’t the Number One Website

Despite all of these amazing statistics, YouTube is still only the second most visited site in the world (behind Google.com).
According to Alexa.com, Facebook, Baidu, and Wikipedia round out the rest of the top five.

YouTube’s Phenomenon Facts and Figures

So there you have it; that’s our list of the most interesting YouTube facts. The statistics are truly mind blowing, especially when YouTube didn’t even exist until relatively recently.
If you enjoyed our list of YouTube facts, make sure you check out some of our similar articles. We have also written. There are these surprising facts you didn’t know about Vimeo and interesting facts you didn’t know about Netflix.


Thursday, 19 September 2019

September 19, 2019

PUBG lite top on Play Store

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

September 18, 2019

How to Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts and Sessions in Chrome

If you are a WhatsApp power user, you must know that you can only have one WhatsApp Web account on your browser. And if you have more than one account on this messaging service, this feature can be a big limitation. You'll have to logout of the primary account to use your secondary WhatsApp account on your PC. Bummer? You bet.                   

                    How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome

This limitation of WhatsApp Web not only eats up your time, but the frequent switching can be annoying in the long run. Thankfully, there's a way to open and run multiple WhatsApp Web accounts. If you use Chrome, this method is as easy as switching the tabs on your browser.
Here, we'll explore two methods. While the first one employs the Incognito mode of Chrome, the other one makes it possible through a dedicated Chrome extension for managing sessions. Sounds interesting?
Then let's get to see how to use two WhatsApp accounts simultaneously on your PC.

It is one of the most simple and easiest methods. All you have to do is open the Incognito mode of Chrome, and open WhatsApp Web from there. Scan the QR code and bam!
However, it has its share of limitations. For one, you lose the session as soon as you close the browser or tab. To open new WhatsApp Web sessions, you'll need to scan the code again.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 10

Though it barely takes a few seconds, you tend to lose plenty of time in the long run.
So, wouldn't it be a lot easier if your browser could just remember the login details of your WhatsApp account? Well, it seems it's not difficult after all. Jump to the next method.
PRO TIP: You can also use a different browser like Firefox or Opera to open your secondary WhatsApp Web account.


Session Box lets you create separate sessions for each login. This way, you can use two of multiple accounts on the same browsers — be it Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter.
And the story doesn't end there. You can also keep these sessions stored in the browser so that login is as simple as clicking on a dedicated button. Furthermore, you can also use the same session on a different browser by sharing the URL. Plus, you can also create temporary sessions.
Sounds interesting, right? Well, let's see how this extension works.
Step 1: Once you have downloaded and installed this extension, open WhatsApp Web on your browser, and log in using your primary account.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 2

Once that's done, click on the Session Box icon at the status bar. You'll see a 'Sessions for current page' card. Click on the Plus icon at the far-right end to create a Stored session.
Step 2: Now, enter the name for your session. Assign a simple name so that's it's easy to differentiate between the accounts later (lest you need to create more than one).

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 3

In my case, I have named it as WhatsApp Session Jio. Here, colors are automatically assigned to each session to help you differentiate the tabs later.
To pick a color and icon of your choice, hover on the top portion of the prompt box and select an appropriate one.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 4

At the same time, if you do not want this session to sync between different systems, tap on the Sync icon below the name.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 892

The best thing about this extension is that it walks you through most of the set-up process. Once, everything has been selected and entered, click on OK to create a new session.
Step 3: Next, scan the QR code using your secondary WhatsApp account, and that's about it. Now, you have both your accounts next to each other. So switch the tabs (Ctrl + Shift +Tab). There, you have your time saved.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 6

The best thing about this method is that the system remembers your session. After you finish work, you can simply close the tab. And the next time you need to reaccess this account, click on the Session Box icon and click on the name you added. Simple, see.
Apart from WhatsApp, you can also open and run multiple accounts for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, among others. Plus, you can delete session details of accounts and sites that you no longer need. Click on the three-dot menu and select Delete.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 8

PRO TIP: You can also create temporary sessions. It doesn't come with the hassle of naming sessions and the likes. Instead, it directly opens the login page. All you need to do is add your log-in credentials and that's about it.
However, like many apps and extensions out there, Session Box is not flawless. There's a bug which sometimes causes the pages and websites to go on a refresh loop. To fix it, hit Ctrl + F5 shortcut.


While most of the features of Session Box are free, there are a couple of premium features as well. For one, you can create a bookmark.
Secondly, you can copy the URL and open it on your secondary system, thus removing the hassle of setting up the account and the likes.


For the power user in you, there are a couple of handy shortcuts as well.

How To Open Multiple Whatsapp Web Accounts And Sessions In Chrome 9

While Ctrl + Shift + X opens a new session, Ctrl + Shift + S opens the Session Box dialog box.


WhatsApp Web is one of the quickest ways to send and receive messages. All you need is a working internet connection and a phone with a working rear camera to make the most out of it. Now, with multiple sessions and accounts, you can carry on your work seamlessly from anywhere.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

September 07, 2019

CAMSCANNER is Malware?


CamScanner has acknowledged that a malicious module was present in the advertisement SDK of CamScanner Version 5.11.7. The SDK was apparently provided by a third-party called AdHub and was producing unauthorised ad clicks. The company claims that it will take immediate legal action against Adhub since injection of any suspicious code violates the company's security policy. Additionally, no evidence of any document leaks has been found after 'rounds of security checks.' CamScanner has apparently removed all the ad SDKs that are not certified by Google Play and is releasing a new version that can be currently downloaded from the company's website.


ATTENTION, ALL ANDROID USERS! To address your recent concerns, we are here to make the following statement and you may download the new version: https://s.intsig.net/software/CamScanner- 

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There’s a good chance that you know about the CamScanner app, which is available on both Android and iOS. The ‘Phone PDF Creator’ or ‘Scanner to Scan PDFs’ app had over 100 million downloads, before being booted from the Google Play Store. Researchers at Kaspersky Labs found a malware in the recent versions of the popular OCR (optical character recognition) app. It was apparently harbouring an advertising library containing a malicious module that the Kaspersky researchers identified as ‘Trojan-Dropper.AndroidOS.Necro.n.’  As per the report, this particular malware module was previously spotted in a few apps that came preinstalled on some Chinese smartphones. 
The malware module was spotted only on the Android version of the app and it seems like its iOS version is still available on the App Store, probably because of Apple’s strict app vetting policies. As the Kaspersky blog notes, CamScanner was a pretty good app that offered notable functionality. While it displayed ads for generating revenue, there were options for in-app purchases and buying a License separately for eliminating ads. However, the Trojan Dropper module found within the app is said to extract and run another malicious module from an encrypted file included in the app’s resources. 

“This “dropped” malware, in turn, is a Trojan Downloader that downloads more malicious modules depending on what its creators are up to at the moment. For example, an app with this malicious code may show intrusive ads and sign users up for paid subscriptions,” the Kaspersky blog states. We checked to find that the CamScanner app has been removed from the Google Play Store. However, Kaspersky reports that the app’s developers removed the malicious code with the latest update. However, since the apps’ version varies for different devices, it is recommended that one uninstalls it as their device might have an older version of that app that contains the Trojan Dropper malware module. 

This is not the first time an app has slipped past through the Google Play Store’s app vetting process. While it can also be difficult to keep up with thousands of apps and their updates that are being released on the platform, Google needs to step up its game if it wants to assure users that the Play Store is the safest place to download Android apps from. 

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